Matt & Jeff
Are getting married on October 31, 2020
The Grooms
Seperated by years and hundres of miles this is the tale of a couple of Alabama boys who almost took too long and a couple of near-misses to find each other

An introvert from L.A. (Lower Alabama), Matt was able to overcome his shyness and say “Hi” to a random stranger that he met through the internet.

An extroverted American by birth and Southern by the grace of God. Jeff was born a Georgia peach but has firm roots planted in Alabama.
Our story
Scattered through out time and space Matt and Jeff kept missing each other. A few times they were only a few hundred feet a part. It wasn’t until they met online that they realized that both had a lot more in common than they first thought.

First time we met
These two love-bears found each other online and both were elated to see that someone so smart and attractive lived so relatively close.
29th July, 2013
It began
After a few weeks of chatting on line and through a text message Matt made a decision that would forever change the course of their lives.

11th November, 2014
He said "Yes"
After dating for a few months they both knew that this was going to last a lifetime. Jeff had promised himself long ago that the only person he would consider moving in with was going to be his future husband. They had been casually talking about moving in together and once they had decided that it was going to happen. Jeff knew what he had to do……
2013 – 2020
A long time coming
After a prolonged engagement and many failed attempts to solidify a date and location the two love-bears were finally able to kick-start their plans for a wedding. Once they realized that there favorite holiday of Halloween was going to be on a Saturday in 2020, they knew it was the perfect time to get married. world-wide pandemic be damned.

When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible
When Harry Met Sally
Blog Post
We have a location
The Venue has been set for a location that’s near and dear to the grooms. a place they always go when they want to relax.
We have a Date
Many dates were thrown around, a spring wedding, a summer wedding. Veteran’s Day, Memorial Day (who doesn’t love having a three-day weekend for their anniversary) In the end we picked Halloween as it’s always been a day that resonates with us as adults and to our inner children
We finally figured out catering.
While it may be messy some times and it can get a little sticky from time to time, nothing beats good ole BBQ dripping with sauce and slathered with a little bit of love.
♬Cause if you like it, then you shoulda put a ring on it If you like it♬
The perfect rings for us have been found and ordered.
What to wear, what to wear?
We went clothes shopping. We’ve figured out what we’re going to wear. We’ve got a good idea what we’re going to force the wedding party to wear.
"My signature colors are blush and bashful."
Okay, we’re definitely not going with pink and pink. This is fall after all, so how about some nice fall colors. Or should it be a Halloween costume party/wedding?
"Mawidge...mawidge is what bwings us togewer today..."
We thought about hiring Elvis to officiate over our wedding, at first. It’s a true blessing to have a close friend to help
join two lives together.
Say Cheese!!!!
Met with the photographer and couldn’t have been happier. We think she’ll do an amazing job capturing a once in a lifetime moment for us.
♬Dance to the Music♬
We’ve got a DJ!
Now to find out what song we want to dance to.
Double stamp it, no take backsies, no erasies, forever locksies!
One of the simple and great things about Alabama is that they’ve simplified the marriage process. 1)Download a PDF. 2)Fill it out and sign it. 3)Get the signatures notarized. 4) Hand it in.
5)You’re now legally married.
A few short memories have been made and
a lifetime of many more precious moments to go.